
$5.20 including GST

♥  An all round protection ♥ Turns negative thoughts into positive  ♥ Promotes self-confidence

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♥ Cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration  ♥  An all round protector, Tourmaline grounds spiritual energy, clears the aura and forms a protective shield around the body  ♥ A shamanic stone that brings protection during rituals  ♥  Useful for scrying  ♥ Has a strong affinity to the devic energies and is extremely beneficial for garden and plants – It can act as a natural insecticide keeping bugs at bay, and buried in the soil, encourages the growth and health of all crops  ♥ Aids in understanding oneself and others, taking you deep inside yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear  ♥ Banishes feelings of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity  ♥ A powerful mental healer, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain  ♥ Turns negative thought patterns into positive  ♥  Brings the mental processes, chakras and bio magnetic sheath into alignment ♥  Helpful for treating paranoia and for overcoming dyslexia ♥ Physically tourmaline releases tension with makes is helpful in spinal adjustments  ♥ Balances male/female energy within the body.

Place or wear as appropriate. To stimulate meridians place with the tip pointing in the same direction as the flow.

Excellent for gem elixir which work quickly & effectively

Clears & balances all Chakras


* DISCLAIMER – EarthSynergy’s crystal healing knowledge comes from crystal folklore. While crystals have been associated with healing for many centuries, we cannot guarantee any specific results as there is no tangible proof that crystals are effective at healing said issues or ailments. Crystals should only be utilized as complementary healing, not as an alternative to medical advice. Please continue to follow your doctor’s instructions if have an illness


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