Ruby Zoisite

$6.70 including GST

♥ Releases the past ♥ Amplifies the bio-magnetic shield around the body ♥ Builds self-confidence

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♥ It can be extremely helpful in past-life work, as it creates an altered state of consciousness, and enables access to soul healing and spiritual learning.  ♥ This crystal promotes individuality while at the same time retaining interconnectedness with the rest of humanity. ♥ It powerfully amplifies the bio magnetic field around the body. ♥ Ruby Zoisite will enhance the connection between your heart and your brain. ♥ It has a strong spiritual nature that will also help your consciousness and spiritual learning. It will give you access to your soul memory. It is a very potent tool for anyone who wants to reawaken their spirituality. ♥ Ruby Zoisite will help you release suppressed anger or feelings of self-harm or self-disregard.  The energies of the Ruby Zoisite will help you bring these hidden feelings from the past to the surface and finally release them from your heart. ♥ It will also renew your commitment to a higher purpose, and will make you think about the things that you hold pure and true. ♥ It will give you courage and fortitude when facing a stressful time in your personal or professional life. ♥ Ruby Zoisite will boost your self-confidence. ♥ It will ground you when you’re starting to feel overcome with your mental and emotional load. ♥ It will show you how you can control your thoughts and how you can respond to everything that happens to you.  ♥ Activates the crown chakra

Activates the crown chakra

Between 6 & 7

* DISCLAIMER – EarthSynergy’s crystal healing knowledge comes from crystal folklore. While crystals have been associated with healing for many centuries, we cannot guarantee any specific results as there is no tangible proof that crystals are effective at healing said issues or ailments. Crystals should only be utilized as complementary healing, not as an alternative to medical advice. Please continue to follow your doctor’s instructions if have an illness.


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