Malachite Large

$15.80 including GST

♥ Unconditional love ♥ Protective ♥ Known as the ‘stone of transformation’

Crystal Measurement
from 2.5 to 3.5cm

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♥ A powerful crystal that amplifies both negative and positive energies ♥ Believed that it is still evolving and will be one of the most important healing stones of the future ♥ Guards against radiation of all kinds ♥ On the heart it brings balance and harmony, It opens the heart to unconditional love ♥ Malachite is an important protection stone. It can absorb negative energies and pollutants easily picking them up from the environment and the body. For this reason it should be cleansed frequently ♥ Known as the ‘stone of transformation’, Life is lived more intensely under this stones influence, which encourages risk taking and change ♥ Draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s own actions, thoughts and feelings ♥ Helps to release inhibitions and encourages expression of feelings ♥ Alleviates shyness and supports friendships ♥ Goes to the core of a problem, enhancing intuition and insight ♥ Helps aid psychiatric illness and is useful for  dyslexia  ♥ May make moods more intense, but quick to change. It can be used for inner exploration ♥  stimulates dreams and brings memories vividly to life

♥ Said to be useful for cramps including menstrual cramps ♥ Has been called the mid-wife stone as it is said to help ease childbirth ♥ Resonates with the female sexual organs and treats any sexual dis-ease. ♥ Lowers blood pressure ♥ Treats asthma ♥ arthritis ♥ epilepsy ♥ swollen joints ♥ travel sickness ♥ vertigo ♥ tumors ♥ the optic nerve ♥ pancreas ♥ spleen ♥ parathyroid ♥ It aligns DNA with cellular structure ♥ enhances the immune system ♥ It stimulates the liver to release toxins, reducing acidification in tissues ♥ Said to help treat diabetes when worn round the waist

Wear on left hand or place on third eye. Position as appropriate for healing.  Place in the solar plexus to absorb negative emotions. Use polished Malachite and indirect method for elixir preparation – apply externally. Note: Malachite may cause slight heart palpitations, in which case remove immediately and replace with Rose Quartz or Rhodonite.

Clears and activates the Chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance.

Between 3.5 and 4

* DISCLAIMER – EarthSynergy’s crystal healing knowledge comes from crystal folklore. While crystals have been associated with healing for many centuries, we cannot guarantee any specific results as there is no tangible proof that crystals are effective at healing said issues or ailments. Crystals should only be utilized as complementary healing, not as an alternative to medical advice. Please continue to follow your doctor’s instructions if have an illness.

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Large, Small


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