Metatron’s Cube Alter Cloth

$10.00 including GST


Approximate pattern measurement
21cm x 21cm

White screen-printing onto navy blue velvet

In stock



These awesome velvet Metatron’s cube altar cloths make the perfect portable crystal grid, so you can set up your manifestation altar where ever you like! They are screen printed right here in Napier, and we will be adding more to our range of velvet sacred geometry Altar cloths very soon.

Please let us know if you have any special requirements for fabric or design, as we may be able to accommodate you!

Approximate pattern measurement
21cm x 21cm

White screen-printing onto navy blue galena soft velvet

Metatron’s Cube, or the Merkabah, is said to have been created from the soul of the Archangel, Metatron, the Angel of Empowerment. The 13 spheres of the cube represent the Feminine, while the straight lines represent the Masculine. Together, the lines and circles combine to represent the One.

Crystal grids are an incredibly powerful energy tool to use when manifesting your desires, goals and intentions. The power of a crystal grid comes from the union of energies created between the healing stones, sacred geometry and your intention to manifest results much quicker…



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