Bloodstone Massage Wand

$35.00 including GST

♥ Powerful blood cleanser and healer  ♥ Excellent for grounding and protecting ♥ Revitalizes and re-energizes


  • Length:  11cm long
  • Width:   1.5cm graduating to 2cm
  • Weight:  60g

Mainland China

In stock (can be backordered)



This striking Bloodstone wand fits perfectly in the hand and is great for the following things

  • THEREPUTIC MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY – You can apply even pressure with it and it also has rounded ends which are perfect to use on pressure points.
  • REIKI – Channel your energy effectively with this crystal wand to encourage healing & restore wellbeing
  • YONI MASSAGE – Yoni is a Sanskrit word which means ‘Sacred space’.  It refers to a woman’s genitals and reproductive organs and also the energy, life, and power that comes from this space.

♥ Powerful healer and excellent blood cleanser  ♥ has the ability to banish evil and negativity and to direct spiritual energies  ♥ heightens intuition ♥ increases creativity ♥ excellent for grounding and protecting ♥ gives courage ♥ stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revitalizer ♥ Calms the mind, dispels confusion and enhances the decision making process ♥ Revitalizes the mind if you are mentally exhausted ♥ grounds heart energy ♥ reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience ♥ assists in bringing spirituality into everyday life

♥ energy cleanser and immune simulator for acute infections ♥ stimulates the flow of lymph and the metabolic processes ♥ revitalizes and re-energizes when the body and mind are exhausted ♥ purifies the blood ♥ detoxifies liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen, and bladder ♥ benefits blood-rich organ, regulates & supports blood-flow ♥ aids circulation ♥ neutralizes over-acidification ♥ useful in cases of leukemia as it supports the blood and removes toxins ♥ the ancient Egyptians used it to shrink tumors.


  • Booklet about massage wands
  • Bloodstone’s healing property information
  • Crystal Maintenance card; which allows you to connect with your crystals, so you can get great results
  • A velvet pouch

* DISCLAIMER – EarthSynergy’s crystal healing knowledge comes from crystal folklore. Crystals have been associated with healing for many centuries, however we cannot guarantee any specific results as there is no tangible proof that crystals are effective at healing said issues or ailments. Crystals should only be utilized as complementary healing, not as an alternative to medical advice.


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