Crystal Angels


Symbolically Angels represent the connection between heaven and earth, as well as strength, peace, faith, protection and beauty.

These pretty hand carved angels are available in 4 size options. We have 7 different crystal options to choose from, and each crystal has it’s own set of healing benefits* so you can choose one of these lovely angels to suit your purpose.

TINY – approx 3cm high
♥ Opalite – all round healer, removes energy blockages of the chakras

SMALL – approx 3.8cm high
♥ Aventurine –   A comforter and heart healer, it stimulates emotional recovery supporting grief.
♥ Clear Quartz – A Master healer that can be used for any condition
♥ Labradorite – Highly protective, deflects unwanted energy from the aura. This is also an ascension crystal, helping guide the spirit to the next realm.
♥ Obsidian – Helps dissolve emotional blockages and ancient trauma
♥ Opalite – all round healer, removes energy blockages of the chakras
♥ Rose Quartz – Love, grief, fertility, all things feminine

MEDIUM – approx 5cm high
♥ Clear Quartz – A Master healer that can be used for any condition
♥ Rose Quartz – Love, grief, fertility, all things feminine

LARGE – approx 7.5cm high

♥ Labradorite – Highly protective, deflects unwanted energy from the aura. This is also an ascension crystal, helping guide the spirit to the next realm.
♥ Rose Quartz – Love, grief, fertility, all things feminine
♥ Sodalite – An excellent stone for the mind, Sodalite eliminates mental confusion and encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuitive perception, together with the verbalization of feelings

* DISCLAIMER – EarthSynergy’s crystal healing knowledge comes from crystal folklore. While crystals have been associated with healing for many centuries, we cannot guarantee any specific results as there is no tangible proof that crystals are effective at healing said issues or ailments. Crystals should only be utilized as complementary healing, not as an alternative to medical advice. 

  • Large Labradorite Angel

    Large Labradorite Angel

    $85.00 including GST
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  • Large Rose Quartz Angel

    Large Rose Quartz Angel

    $75.00 including GST
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  • Large Sodalite Angel

    Large Sodalite Angel

    $85.00 including GST
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  • 2 inch clear quartz angel

    Medium Angel Clear Quartz

    $29.00 including GST
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  • 2 inch Rose Quartz Angel

    Medium Rose Quartz Angel

    $29.00 including GST
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  • Aventurine small angels x 5

    Small Aventurine Angel

    $15.00 including GST
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  • small CQ angel

    Small Clear Quartz Angel

    $17.00 including GST
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  • Labradorite Angels

    Small Labradorite Angel

    $15.00 including GST
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  • Obsidian Angel

    Small Obsidian Angel

    $15.00 including GST
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  • Small opalite angel

    Small Opalite Angel

    $15.00 including GST
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  • Small RQ angel

    Small Rose Quartz Angel

    $15.00 including GST
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  • Tiny Opalite angels

    Tiny Opalite Angel

    $12.00 including GST
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